At any time, you can ditch one of your party members and create another, although it’s generally easier to just pick three and take them through the whole game.Ī class new to the Super Famicom and Game Boy Color version (not found at all in the NES game), the Thief is quick, and can wield boomerangs and whips, which are also new to the remakes. You can now take up to four party members in battle at once, a step up from three in Dragon Quest II.

Similar to the original Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest III allows you to create your own characters by picking from one of several different classes. After talking to the King of Aliahan and getting some cash, you’re instructed to head to the local inn to draft up a party of characters. Your father, the powerful warrior Ortega, disappeared many years before and has been presumed dead, so you need to follow in his footsteps and complete the task he could not by defeating the archfiend Baramos.

It’s your birthday, apparently, and it’s time to set off on a long journey. Dragon Warrior III (subtitled Soshite Densetsu e… or “Into the Legend…” in Japan, and granted the subtitle Seeds of Salvation with the smartphone release)) begins with a scene that’s become extremely cliche’d in Japanese RPGs – you wake up to the sound of your mom calling for you.